Friday, November 11, 2005

Is this an Election or Elective option ??

I think now the problem is solved.

Amlan Sengupta has promised to shift the Advanced Design Of Concrete Structures course to "E Slot"...

If you re not interested in arguments please dont read further....

But wait for a moment...

If somebody (For all you know it might be myself) comes up says, I am not interested in this ADOCS, instead I want to do a ASTRAL ... " SHIFT IT TO E SLOT"....

Do you think it is really possible... ??

Before that let me remind ourselves another issue...
It is not Ramamurthy's job to sit out and reschedule the slots so that each of our needs are met.
What he essentially tries is to make us happy. If I were to be more precise, he tries to make more than 50% of us happy.

If he just sits and jots down the courses and splits them into different slots, his job is over. But he analyses the courses of different batches and comes up with this scheduling. He might have done it erraneously according to many of you... but there is no need for him to do this only....

And many of us should be knowing that these professors have a soft corners for PG students rather than UG students and they give some bull-shit reason (Well, is it really bull shit or not... you need to be a professor to think from that view point.)

Why am I writing all this (Bull shit... if you may call it) stuff ??

Just to make one statement ...
What IF Amlan Sengupta does not manage to shift the slot ??

We should just accept what is there...

You may say, "Its our fate"
I would rather say, "Its our duty"


Blogger amrit said...

I seriously will get pained if this thing is not decided soon.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Nilambar said...

guys ... u have 1 more year and lemme assure u that u will run out of electives u really wanna take ... so just take wat is available this sem coz u have enough slots to play with in final year ... and dont forget u can add/drop if u made a wrong decision

From a srs perspective

4:28 PM  

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